Stormbrew Farm

25 FEB 2024

Spring teases at every turn.

What a treat it was to walk the farm on Tuesday, after spending the entire morning organizing the taxes and then a trip to (🥲) Walmart. Our orbit around the farm building is small during the cooler months- the coop, greenhouse, and high tunnel are close, but we forfeit our walks to the creek and further away fields.

At first glance, the farm appears still dormant, brown, lifeless (except for the gang of hens that occlude walkways and shake you down for scraps). Even this morning, fully knowing what spring green secrets are budding under the weathered fodder of last season, even this morning I looked over the place and saw its stark winterness. 

On our large orbit walk, going as far as the creek one way and as far as the length of the frontmost field the other- we saw the promise of a great season. 

Tulips reaching upward, now more than six inches out of the ground! The left behind bulblets of tulip beds past now poke out in clusters in multiple (some unexpected) beds on the farm. Garlic greens rest snugly in their cozy mulch beds. Daffodils threaten their cheery blooms. Perennials like yarrow, echinops, and mint hint tender green at the base of last year’s decay.

Close inspection proves an entire world just before dawn, ready to wake up.

On the other side of things, we continuously plan and clean and organize and make spreadsheets and write floral contracts and plan and co-plan events. Eager ideas fill our farm building with what potentials the 2024 season will bring. Just through the other side of the Valentine’s Day tunnel and looking into the opening of the next wave of floral-necessary days: Easter, Mother’s Day, Prom, Graduation. 

What a sweet gig it is to get to love these flowers from seed to bud to design, so that you can show your love with them in the end. 

Read on for upcoming events & opportunities to treat yourself or another with blooms.

Bed prep:​​From left to right:1) a broadforked strip of earth2) a broadforked strip of earth with weeds removed​3) with compost added4) with compost raked in and seeds planted​

Bed prep:​

​From left to right:

1) a broadforked strip of earth

2) a broadforked strip of earth with weeds removed

​3) with compost added

4) with compost raked in and seeds planted​

I told you they had taken to RV life. And there are five of them.

I told you they had taken to RV life. And there are five of them.

Stormbrew Farm 2.0 on July 1st

Stormbrew Farm 2.0 on July 1st

Stormbrew Farm 2.0 on August 22nd, taken from the same location.

Stormbrew Farm 2.0 on August 22nd, taken from the same location.